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AI Chatbot Builder


Talk.BOT combines a range of processes for building conversation AI service into a single service, from collection of knowledge and information to scenario planning and chatbot agent production.

Now, anyone can create an AI chatbot easily and quickly.


Software as a Service


Our service is available for an easy, low-cost adoption by anyone.

On Demand


We provide a customized chatbot optimized for the various environments and requirements of the clients.

Hybrid AI Learning


It is an AI chatbot based on both human rule sets and machine learning, which are mutually complementary.

Development Platform


We provide a range of services in one go, from scenario to building, training, and development. 

Conversational AI


It can cater to anything from chatbots and AI speakers, to conversational robots or more.


Deep Machine Learning

Accuracy gradually improves with continuous evolution through real-time data collection and learnings from the customer’s legacy data and knowledge assets.

Humanized Chatbot

To provide a seamless interaction between the customers and brand, we understand the context of conversations and create emotions and personality in chatbots to enhance the user experience.

Intention detection and response decision

Our system can understand the conversational context and detect the underlying intent and make decisions for the responses through natural language processing.

Emotion generation

Through context analysis, we generate the most optimal emotion and personality that suits the conversational context for the chatbot.

Generation of conversational sentence / grammar

We decide on the conversational strategy for the speech intent and generate the sentence and grammar to express the meaning.

Tone generation per objective


We decide and generate the speech tone of the chatbot system among spoken, written, and formal style.  

Conversation rule and template matching

We extract the most appropriate conversational pair through matching between predetermined conversational rulesets or templates.

Conversation capability training

We enable a continuous evolution of our model by retraining it through machine learning with every conversational data involving the users.


Template selection

Scenario production


Smart Chatbot Builder

Through a one-stop conversational writing tool, we provide the most optimal scenario for the communication between enterprises/brands and customers.

Generation of tone per objective

Generation of conversational simulator

Generation of chatting scripts

Integration with third-party platforms


Cloud Service

We provide a visualization dashboard that enables statistical data analysis features and allow cloud-based operation and management.

Cloud-based operation management

Statistical data analysis

Provide chatbot SaaS

Visualization dashboard

We have secured high accuracy for handling open conversations through deep learning training based on 3 years’ worth of large-scale data.

3 years of training period


12M hours


12TB of volume


We have adopted only the technical benefits of a chatbot system based on human rulesets, machine learning, cloud, and package. 

We possess a competitive advantage in proprietary technology through our self-developed morphological analysis ruleset and adaptive conversation training algorithm.


Connect your business with customers through an AI chatbot.

Talk.BOT Enquiry

9F, 507, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

+82 2 565 6627

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